Wednesday, July 13, 2005

Introduction to the Rainbow Mountain Lodge

The Rainbow Mountain Lodge has been in my family for generations and we have made it into a paradise that anyone can come and enjoy all kinds of sports and nature walks. There is a beautiful lodge inbetween two mountain ranges in a valley that has a beautiful sandy beach and huge lake. There can be seen sail boats and cruiser running up and down the lake all throughout the day and night. The beaches have a clean white sand and our guest love to lie on the beach and absorb the sunshine. We have many transit guest that come for a week or two, but we also have a few regulars that stay here year round because this lodge doesn't stay open only for the summer. There are so many winter sports and activities to do in the fall and winder that we never close this lodge. I enjoy running this place and I have become very fond of our regulars .  There is Miss Izzy, a wealthy lady from New York City that has decided that she likes living here better than the hectic life she had in New York. Our Miss Izzy is about 68 or so, for she will not tell anyone her age, has a rather sharp tongue and says things as she sees them. Not mean, just very overly truthful at times. Never unkind for her manners are impecable, but she is very sharp and people tend to underestimate her because of her frail appearance. You see, Miss Izzy is only 5' 2'' tall and wears a size 0 dress. She always dresses neat and prim. You will never see our Lady Izzy as we call her not properly attired for the ocassion.

Next there is Mr. Hobbs. He is a retired army major and quite demanding. He has decided that he likes the mountains and lake here better than the city . He came here to get away from all the hectic life that he was used to while he put in his 30 years in the service. He enjoys sailing on the lake and has a 30ft. sloop that he docks at the marine that is attached to the lodge. It is beautiful when in full sail and he often invites Lady Izzy to go sailing with him. Mr. Hobbs, or Major, as we call him, is in his late 60's also, so they make a lovely pair as they sit and talk and enjoy their breakfast together from time to time.  Everyone here feels that their is a spark between these two, but no one dares say anything.

Jennifer Sanders is a retired counsler from Buffalo, New York. She has decided to stay with us and enjoys the many amenities that this lodge offers . She is aavid swimmer and usually goes for a morning swim every day in the summer. In the winter she takes advantage of the indoor pool here in the lodge itself.  Our Miss Sanders was never married and is rather mysterious about telling anything about her life. She looks to be about 45 years old , which isnt that old for a person to retire which makes her all the more mysterious to me and my staff.  I do know that she has a rather healthy income inherited from her parents, otherwise it would not be possible for such a young person to retire. We all enjoy her sweet smile and winning ways. When she talks to you it seems that you want to tell her everything. She has a way of drawing people out and making you know that you can trust her with anything that  is bothering you . It is like having our very own counsler right at our fingertips.

Our staff consists of me, Janice Marie, the owner and hostess, Diane, my secetary, and a waitress staff, chef, sou chef, housekeeping staff managed by  Mrs. Landers, Entertainment organizer is Paula and she is very good at coming up with ideas for the guests to enjoy. She has her own staff that she directs and we all have a meeting once a week to decide the following weeks activities.

There is alot of work involved in running this lodge, but I wouldn't change my job for anyones. I love the Catskills and the valley and our great lake.  I have been managing this lodge for about 5 years now, since dad passed on and left it to me. I have no other brothers and sisters, so it is up to me to make this place the best it can be.


Anonymous said...

Love it..
And i hannah am here to make a reservation on the very top floor facing the lake!What a great novel this one is going to be.Awesome Janice..a standing ovation!

Anonymous said...

This sounds like it is going to be a great work   I will keep tabs on this journal. Good luck

Anonymous said...

this sounds so good. I can picture this lodge.  I will be back you can be sure.

Anonymous said...

this sounds so nice here in this lodge. Cant wait for more

Anonymous said...

My turn..
Hannah said i could come and sneak a look at this newest novel of yours..and it is just as she said it was..a reading book in process of becoming a full blown novel..
and so..of course its me being just me Hannahthemaid!

Anonymous said...

It's Bee-U-tee-FULL, Janice.  Oh, how I wish I could visit in the autumn or winter.

Anonymous said...

Lovely Pictures Janice.Great story as well.

Anonymous said...

"Only after the last tree has been cut down, the last river has been poisoned, the last fish has been caught, Only then will we find that money cannot be eaten." Cree Prophecy~ Autumn Rain Eyes~ (Bella) Incredible Intro~~~